This is an authorised motorhome service point and overnight parking stop approved by Northern Ireland Group of Motor Caravanners Club. It was the first Aire de Service in the UK.
There is an overnight charge of £7 per night per motor home. Please supply your vehicle registration number with your payment at the Community Office in Broughshane House during office hours, otherwise register at The Thatch Inn or Morelli's @ Mandy's (times detailed below).
To register for your overnight stay and purchase tokens please call at:
The Thatch Inn, 57 Main Street, Broughshane BT42 4JP
From 12:00 - 23:00 Monday - Saturday. (Open to 01:00 Saturday). 12:30 - 22:30 Sunday
The Community Office, 'Broughshane House', 70 Main Street, Broughshane BT42 4JW
From 09:30 - 13:00 Monday - Friday
Morelli's @ Mandy's
From 09:00 - 18:00 Monday to Saturday and 10:00 - 18:00 Sunday
Tokens provide 10 hours of electricity plus free water and toilet / waste disposal facilty.
Price: £3 per token
Capacity: 4 motorhomes