Mid & East Antrim (MEA) Borough Council
MEA Tourism Team
Growing the economy and developing our tourism potential are the top two strategic priorities for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council. We support our industry by providing assistance with tourism product development and in marketing local tourism providers at a regional and international level. We want to know about your business and future plans to help you move forward or perhaps signpost you to someone else who can.
Your first point of contact for the MEA Tourism Team is Zoe Lindsay, Tourism Business Engagement Officer.
E: zoe.lindsay@midandeastantrim.gov.uk or tourism@midandeastantrim.gov.uk
T: +44 (0) 28 2826 2379
Who’s who in the MEA Tourism Team:

MEA Business Support
Council’s Economic Development team provide a suite of bespoke business supports to help start-up or grow businesses. Register your details now to start your journey with Amplify and receive:
- Direct contact with a Business Client Manager to determine your support needs
- Advice and signposting to appropriate help
- Access to mentoring
Complete this online form to start your journey. If you wish to request a call back instead, please:
E: amplify@midandeastantrim.gov.uk
T: +44 (0) 28 2563 3363
MEA Town Centre Business Support
If you are a new or existing business based in Larne, Ballymena or Carrickfergus town centres and would like to receive support or regular updates from the Town Centre Team, please email the following details to towncentres@midandeastantrim.gov.uk :
- Business Name
- Address
- Email
- Contact Telephone Number
MEA Labour Market Partnership
Mid and East Antrim Labour Market Partnership aims to support more people into meaningful employment. It focuses on improving labour market conditions and addressing issues with employers, training providers, as well as community and voluntary organisations.
E: LMP@midandeastantrim.gov.uk
MEA Environmental Health Support
For all Environmental Health related queries in Mid and East Antrim please:
E: MEA.envhealth@midandeastantrim.gov.uk
T: +44 (0) 28 2563 3394 (Ballymena area) or +44 (0) 28 2826 2498 (Carrickfergus / Larne area).
Tourism Bodies
Tourism NI
Tourism NI is responsible for the development of tourism and the marketing of Northern Ireland as a tourist destination to domestic tourists, from within Northern Ireland, and to visitors from the Republic of Ireland.
T: + 44 (0) 28 9023 1221 or contact via enquiry form.
Tourism Ireland
Tourism Ireland is responsible for marketing the island of Ireland in Great Britain and overseas, increasing tourism to the island and supporting Northern Ireland to realise its potential. Tourism Ireland engages in strategic destination marketing on a worldwide basis and works in close cooperation with travel trade, online operators, media, carriers and industry partners on the island and overseas.
Contact via enquiry form.
VisitBritain works with partners in the UK and overseas to ensure that Britain is marketed in an inspirational and relevant way around the world to develop the visitor economy. VisitBritain's partners include Government agencies such as UKTI, airlines and operators, global brands, and official tourism bodies in regions throughout the UK.
Contact via enquiry form.
Council's Partner Organisations
Lough Neagh Partnership
The Lough Neagh Partnership is a stakeholder organisation that was established in 2003 to help manage and protect Lough Neagh.
E: info@loughneaghpartnership.org
T: +44 (0) 28 7941 7941
Ulster-Scots Agency
The Ulster-Scots Agency aims to promote the study, conservation, development and use of Ulster-Scots as a living language; to encourage and develop the full range of its attendant culture; and to promote an understanding of the history of the Ulster-Scots.
E: info@ulsterscotsagency.org.uk
T: +44 (0) 28 9023 1113
Industry Bodies
Available to provide support to specific sectors - membership fees may apply: